Off the Record

In their own voices: Six Canadian woman writers on the stories that shaped them. Edited by John Metcalf, Biblioasis

240 pages

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Best Canadian Stories 2020


ISBN: 9781771963626

Edited by Paige Cooper, Published by Biblioasis

“Daughter of Cups” by Kristyn Dunnion

Winner of the Metcalf-Rooke Award

Orca: A Literary Review

No 1, Spring 2019

ISBN: 978-1-942797-21-0

“Daughter of Cups,” Kristyn Dunnion


Vol 3 Issue 2, 2018

ISBN: ISSN: 2470-3443

The New Guard V

Editor: Shanna McNair

Pages 68-76

2015 Machigonne Fiction Prize winner, Pushcart Prize nominee.

The Tahoma Review

Editor Joe Ponepinto

Pages 80-91

The Tahoma Review – Issue 9

Grain Magazine: Home-Myths

Editor Rilla Friesen

Pages 15-23.

This issue of Grain Magazine is SOLD OUT!

Fist of the Spiderwoman

ISBN: 9781551522517

Edited by Amber Dawn, Arsenal Pulp Press

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The Horrors: Terrifying Tales (book one)

Ed. Peter Carver, Red Deer Press

ISBN: 0889953139 / 978-0889953130

“The Horrors runs the gamut from Stephen King like gore . . . to gentle ghost tales.”
– Quill & Quire

Geeks, Misfits and Outlaws

ISBN: 1-894692-07-1 * CDN 22.95

Ed. Zoe Whittall, McGilligan Press

Fiction 328 pages

Periphery: Lesbian Erotic Futures

Ed. Lynne Jamneck, Lethe Press

ISBN: 978-1-59021-101-4

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With a Rough Tongue: Femmes Write Porn

Ed. Amber Dawn and Trish Kelly, Arsenal Pulp Press

ISBN: 1-55152-193-8