With a Rough Tongue: Femmes Write Porn
Ed. Amber Dawn and Trish Kelly, Arsenal Pulp Press
ISBN: 1-55152-193-8
A rebellious anthology of stories about sex and the modern femme: no-holdsbarred queer sex tales that reinvent lesbian erotica in ways that are transgressive and empowering. Starting off where other lesbian erotic anthologies end, these are not your typically delicate, lace-and-feathers kind of stories; instead, they’re blunt and hard-hitting and challenge traditional notions of gender roles when it comes to getting off.
The anthologists argue that good, clean lesbian smut is difficult to come by these days, overwhelmed by political correctness and authorial self-censorship. Unabashedly raunchy, these stories prove that femme porn can be sexy and smart at the same time.
Includes stories by Nalo Hopkinson (The Salt Roads and So Long Been Dreaming), Anna Camilleri (I Am a Red Dress, Red Light, Brazen Femme), Rachel Kramer Bussel, R.P. Chow, Daphne Gottlieb, Ducky Doolittle, Suki Lee, May Lui, M.V. Smith, Kristyn Dunnion, and Zoe Whittall.