I’m delighted to be included in OFF THE RECORD, edited by the almost magisterial John Metcalf and published by Biblioasis. In this anthology, John Metcalf asks six authors to explain how/why we became writers rather than normal, reliable citizens. These essays, each paired with a short story, are candid, entertaining and insightful. And as Brett Josef Grubisic writes in The British Columbia Review, “certainly not the off-gassing of egregious and fatuous navel-gazers.”
Order your copy of OFF THE RECORD from the publisher directly c/o Bilbioasis
Ontario Arts Council: thank you!
2025 has been pretty rough so far – but the sun came out the day I received this generous support from #OntarioArtsCouncil for a new work-in-progress. Hear ye, hear ye, let the writing commence!